indicates that I have used materials of this website.
If I have forgotten to credit someone please inform me through my chatbox.
I plan on adding more to this section, specifically other personal sites. :)


  • W3Schools: great website for beginners who want to learn html or programming languages.
  • GeeksforGeeks: very similar to W3Schools but has more in-depth information.
  • doqmeat: really cool neocities neighbour with links to abundant resources. They also have the source code in their github repository.
  • repth: another neocities neighbour. has premade layouts which you can use and learn from.
  • sadgrl: you know them.


  • Whimsical!: cute pixel graphics and cursors.
  • Asterim: amazing graphics and fonts.
  • SORAHANA: plenty of graphics. Website is purely in Japanese so navigation may be difficult.
  • FOOL LOVERS: also a a Japanese website. Has a wide range of bgs, dividers, icons, everything really.
  • ishimori: has wide directory of fonts and backgrounds as well links to other resources.
  • decocore: pixels and other graphics. also links to other such resouce websites.
  • glitter-graphics: old and new internet graphics. They have some gen ai materials but that can be filtered out.
  • Material JPN: consists of Japanese sozai websites for materials.
  • kiunlo: custom cursors for web and local computer cursor.
  • cursors-4U: even more cursors.


  • A history of Buddhism: very detailed history about Buddhism.
  • The Other Afghan Women: an extensive news report on Afghan women in relation to the US and Taliban. A must read.
  • Bhagat Singh's writings: he is one of India's most revered and highly mischaracterised freedom fighters. This is a list of his essays. His essay "Why I am an Atheist," is a pretty important essay to understand India's relationship with religion.
  • Bhopal Gas Tragedy: worst industrial disaster that has occurred till date. The article explores how the citizens of Bhopal still have to face consequences after 30 years.


  • catbox: you can store your files here. Very useful in case your storage is running out.
  • Aleksander Rostov: insta id of Rostov, the art director of disco elysium.
  • Cursed Computer Iceberg Meme : name checks out.
  • newslaundry: an independent Indian news company. They remain one of the only unbiased news companies that questions the current government.
  • twilightvisions: so this is not exactly their main site, it is this. But I read their site mostly for Dokuga analysis - my favourite character in Dorohedoro. They have other fun stuff too. Make sure to sign their guestbook which is... sadly filled with spambots.
  • Jacob Geller: Amazing video essayist. One of the best ones out there. Talks about games, politics and human nature.
  • enxyclo studio: cool fonts. I got the font on my front page (gahiboe) from them.

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